Turmeric coarse cut

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The most familiar turmeric product is that orange colored powder that contributes its unique flavoring and aroma to so many Asian and Middle Eastern dishes. Most Europeans or Americans first encounter it in Indian curries, but now it is also widely used in non-Asian kitchens. While its claim to fame firmly rests on its cooking ingredient role, how it can contribute to good health has been attracting much more attention over recent years. Using turmeric in meals is the best way to enjoy its medicinal benefits. It is also possible to get turmeric supplements in health food stores but first check with your doctor before using one of these.

May slow down the signs of aging. People have been vainly seeking some elixir against aging from the earliest days of recorded history. While nobody claims that turmeric stops this natural yet disturbing process, some evidence suggests it may slow it down. The curcumin substance this plant contains helps blood vessels to retain their youthful flexibility. It also gives some protection against bone mass loss in the postmenopause period. Curcumin is also useful for blood flow to the brain. For this reason, some suggest it could delay or possibly even prevent Alzheimer’s and other diseases that gradually impair mental fitness.


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