
  • Cardamom coarse cut


    Cardamom is an herb. The seeds and the oil from the seeds are used to make medicine. Cardamom is used for build up of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD), diabetes, and high cholesterol, but there is no good scientific evidence to support […]

  • Cardamom Oil


    Did you know that cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world after saffron and vanilla? The spice is a native of the Indian subcontinent and is a staple in common households. Cardamom is used for its extensive flavour profile, rich taste, and numerous health benefits. Cardamom is also needed for its essential […]

  • Cardamom powder/ground


    Cardamom is an herb. The seeds and the oil from the seeds are used to make medicine. Cardamom is used for build up of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD), diabetes, and high cholesterol, but there is no good scientific evidence to support […]

  • Cardamom TBC


    Cardamom is an herb. The seeds and the oil from the seeds are used to make medicine. Cardamom is used for build up of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD), diabetes, and high cholesterol, but there is no good scientific evidence to support […]

  • Cashew


    cashew is a popular snack, and its rich flavor means that it is often eaten roasted, on its own, lightly salted or sugared, or covered in chocolate. Cashew can be used whole for garnishing sweets or curries, or ground into a paste that forms a base of sauces for curries or some sweets. It is […]

  • Ceylon Sencha Tea


    Sencha tea possesses a high content of antioxidants and polyphenols. These two components aid in neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals, responsible for many dreadful diseases. The antioxidants in Sencha tea help to prevent coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis. The polyphenols act as a barrier in absorbing cholesterol in the body and help to […]

  • Cinnamon Alba


    ALBA The most expensive and extremely best quality cinnamon Diameter of quills (6mm – 7mm) Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable […]

  • Cinnamon Bark Oil


    Grown in the lowlands of Sri Lanka, Ceylon Cinnamon is made from the inner bark of an evergreen plant native to Sri Lanka. Cinnamomum zeylancium tree is also known as true cinnamon and can be easily identified by its tan colour bark and sweet fragrance. Ceylon Cinnamon essential oil is produced with the bark and the […]

  • Cinnamon C4


    C4 Non Organic which is yellow in color Diameter of quills (13mm – 14mm) Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and […]

  • Cinnamon C5


    C5 The 3rd best quality Cinnamon Diameter of quills (10mm – 12mm) Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded […]

  • Cinnamon C5 SP


    C5 SPECIAL The 2nd best quality Cinnamon Diameter of quills (8mm – 9mm) Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was […]

  • Cinnamon chips


    Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded as a gift fit for kings. There are two main types of […]

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