
  • Vanilla


    Antioxidants are the most significant benefit of vanilla because they help repair your body at the molecular level. They’ve also been linked to lesser risks of various diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. Plus they help reduce the effects of aging and promote more vibrant skin.

  • Weniwelgeta


    one of the most important plants used in traditional medicine.It has become very important in recent years due to its rarity and the growing demand in the medicinal plant sector. stem are the important parts of this medicinal plant. It is commonly used in Sri Lanka to make a herbal drink. The plant is used […]

  • White pepper coarse cut


    Did you ever imagine that the much ignored white pepper on your dining table possesses some life changing benefits? But before that, you would like to get to know how white peppers differ from black peppers, don’t you? Though both of these come from the same shrub, pepper wine, they have differences in their taste, […]

  • White Pepper Powder


    Did you ever imagine that the much ignored white pepper on your dining table possesses some life changing benefits? But before that, you would like to get to know how white peppers differ from black peppers, don’t you? Though both of these come from the same shrub, pepper wine, they have differences in their taste, […]

  • White Pepper TBC


    Did you ever imagine that the much ignored white pepper on your dining table possesses some life changing benefits? But before that, you would like to get to know how white peppers differ from black peppers, don’t you? Though both of these come from the same shrub, pepper wine, they have differences in their taste, […]

  • White Peppercorn


    Did you ever imagine that the much ignored white pepper on your dining table possesses some life changing benefits? But before that, you would like to get to know how white peppers differ from black peppers, don’t you? Though both of these come from the same shrub, pepper wine, they have differences in their taste, […]

  • White Tea


    White tea is loaded with a type of polyphenols called catechins. Polyphenols are plant-based molecules that act as antioxidants inside the body. Antioxidants protect the cells from damage by compounds called free radicals. Too much free-radical damage can have harmful effects on the body. It is linked to aging, chronic inflammation, a weakened immune system […]

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